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The IBEW supports a livable wage and good benefits for all workers. As electricians we know that our trade takes dedication and skill. We also know that we should get compensated fairly for the work we do. If you are an electrician ask yourself these simple questions. Am I getting the best pay for the hard work I do every day? Am I getting good health benefits for myself and my family? Am I setting myself up for retirement?

If you answer no to any of these simple questions you are not alone. To many of our fellow electrical workers are working for less and less, even though our trade is in desperate need for more workers to take up the tools and learn the trade.

Ask yourself one more question. Why don’t I make a CHANGE?! The IBEW is here for you. We are your fellow electricians. Put aside any misconceptions or ideas that you have about the union and look into for yourself.

Use our contact page or email us!